If you look online you can find some amazing craft projects which incorporate the use of buttons. Here are some of my favourites which I am wanting to make. I've saved these all in my Pinterest account so that I can find the original websites easily enough when I go to make them.
Both of these ideas are great for Christmas Decorations
You can also turn buttons into attractive pieces of jewellery to wear
and I love this rainbow themed heart made from buttons
I have quite a large collection of buttons which has grown over the years, it incorporates everything from themed novelty buttons, Designer buttons and buttons in lots of different sizes and colours.
Novelty buttons are always fun to use - these sewing themed ones are great for anyone who loves sewing.
Beutron Buttons have great little bags of buttons you can buy, all with a particular theme - colours, novelty, etc. It is usually much more economical to buy a bag like this instead of just a card holding a few buttons.
Pastel Collection
Bright Collection
I particularly love Designer Buttons - my all time favourites are Debbie Mumm Buttons and Mary Engelbreit Buttons.
A few of the Mary Engelbreit Designer Buttons
I do sell a few of these Designer buttons in my online stores here and here.
I have even had a few attempts at making my own buttons and these are definitely a lot of fun to do!
Handmade Button Babies
Handmade Garden Buttons
Recently when shopping in a homewares store I found these gorgeous glass jars. They came home with me for the particular purpose of storing a few of my colour themed buttons on my desk. I love theme!! I can enjoy a bit of colour - which is always a source of inspiration for me.
If you know of any great button crafts - please share them - I would love to find more ideas for using buttons!

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