I know I have been missing from blog land for awhile, but so much has been happening here on the homefront. The end of our school term meant extra activities on at school and our playgroup usually has an end of term party which is a big event - and with 2 different play groups, it meant two days of involvement for me. After all that was over we emptied out the room we use for playgroup, ready for new floor coverings to be installed - a huge task - but it is going to be so, so worth it!
Now the children are all on school holidays means 4 extra people around to keep entertained on a daily basis. We always try to do fun things together and we usually have lots of play days with friends during the holidays.
Our local shopping centres are fantastic with the kids activities during school holidays. With the release of the new Madagascar 3 movie (which we have seen and I do highly recommend), there has been a definite Madagascar theme to the craft activities on offer these holidays. Here are a few photos from one of our school holiday outings.
Hard at work colouring
Each child was given a Madagascar cushion/keyring to colour and decorate with glitter. They even got to take home their set of pens!
Photo time with Alex the Lion
Sand art is always a favourite craft activity with my children!
Our holidays have also had a slightly different twist to usual. My oldest daughter has has some major dental surgery which has left her very uncomfortable and in a substantial amount of pain. So we have limited our activities to home based things since she has come home from hospital and also restricted the amount of visitors we usually has until she feels up to more noise.
Craft continues on in our home, always in some form. I've been very busy working on our playgroup scrapbooks this week. The scrapbooks are a combination of artwork the children make throughout the year and also photos taken during their various activities at playgroup. I won't show you photos out of respect to the parents and their children, but I have had a lot of fun decorating with coloured papers, stickers and using our new Dot Markers ~ you can do so much with them and they add such a colourful look to brighten up any page. My younger girls were both given scrapbooking kits for their birthdays, so they have been working alongside of me making up their own books. It has been a lot of fun!
In my spare time I have found some lovely new crochet designs which use the crochet flowers I love so much. I really need to learn how to make these. The limitation of my crochet skills is so frustrating, but I am happy to say progress is slowly happening.
These crochet shapes would be perfect to applique onto any project!
I must say I totally fell in love with this cushion - a mixture of crochet circles and flowers
The colours and combination of styles create a pretty effect
I have been working more on my crochet ripple blanket, but will save that for sharing another time. If it is school holiday time for your family too, I hope you are enjoying your break from the usual routine and getting the opportunity to add in some creativity to your days!!

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